Saturday, December 29, 2007

My little workers!

Samantha and Hunter shoveling the driveway. They did a great job. Sam told me this was her job now, and she was going to do this all day. Since Tucker is supposed to rest and stay calm, Sam and Hunter have been glued to each other. They are having a lot of fun playing together.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Those pictures of snow shoveling worker bees are great! And glad to hear Tucker's surgery went well although I'm shocked to hear about the hearing loss. I hope that gets mended some how in the future. Geez those pictures of Tucker are great.

An airplane ride? How cool is that! And the picture of you are your husband is so sweet. It's so important to remember our relationship in the midst of all this family chaos :) Much love to the Weg family!