Tuesday, November 18, 2008

3 days and we will be 6 Years Old!

Samantha - a day old.

Tucker - a day old.

Tucker, Sam, Dad, adn Hunter - Twins were 8 days old.

Samantha and Tucker - 6 weeks old.
So hard to believe these two are going to be 6 years old in a couple of days. I can hardly recall the time when they were born. I look at these pictures and weep - for my babies were so tiny, so small and so little. They were amazing little troopers - and ever so healthy! I am so grateful to God for these two angel babies.
I will post on Friday pictures of them now at 6 years old!
Time does fly - for all you mom's with little tiny ones - hold on to every moment - it goes so quickly.

1 comment:

Dylan and Family said...

Oh! I LOVE the pictures. How small and cute these two were. It's so hard to believe that they will be 6 years old! It seems like just yesterday we met and those two were toddlers.

Thanks for sharing and Happy Birthday Samantha and Tucker!

Miss you.

Kristy, Dylan, Jonah, and Ray