Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wind/Sand Storm May 20, 2008

Here are some pictures of the Wind/Sand storm we had last week. Pretty amazing to watch - scary too! In the pictures you see the brown haze all around - this is not haze, clouds, etc., but actually dust and sand flying around. I had gone to get my hair done this night (about 1/2 before this came about). It was 83 degrees out, so I left my car windows cracked to help keep the car cool while I was inside. Bad idea and mistake. The inside of my car was covered with Sand and dirt. Never seen anything like this. And I am just getting the car cleaned out. Still dirt in all the little tiny places, but for the most part, it's cleaned. Now the kids remind me whenever it is windy to roll up my windows. If only I could be as smart as 5 year olds and a 9 year old. :0)

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