Miss "M" and Tucker playing "Go Fish". His new favorite game. And.........look at him holding the cards all by himself. He has just begun to do this.
I Love you Miss "M". Thanks for all the things you are teaching me and helping me to do!
Miss "M" and Tucker at School - Her 1st day with him. Notice the hands behind his back. He does this when he doesn't want to participate, and yes, he doesn't want to practice his writing (the sheet in front of him). Writing is still a huge obstacle for him, but my little boy is trying so...........hard. And, he is finally tracing the letters. At the beginning of the school year, he would only circle the letter. Yeah Mr. Tucker!!
Miss "M" has started going to school with Tucker and so far, 2 days in, things are going great. He is becoming very attached to her and is asking for her all the time. The transition is going well. On Monday, he kept looking at her throughout the morning, confused as to why she was at school with him, but then today, he asked if she would be there when he got there, so he's got it down already.
Also, other great news today, our school had their IRI testing (Idaho Reading Indicator) and Tucker scored a 3, with reading 46 letters in 1 minute. A 3 is the highest on a scale of 1 to 3 for the most read letters. I was very proud and very impressed. We have had the testing sheet all summer so that we could get a head start on it, and it is wonderful to see that it has helped him so much.
We are so blessed to have this opportunity to have Miss "M" in our lives right now, and to have all the services that we are getting. Tucker is doing so well and he is really learning and growing. This boy will not be left behind........he demands to do all and be a part of everything. I am loving his spirit!! We are starting 3 therapy sessions a week, aside from Miss "M", Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech Therapy. I am afraid that this will be chaos trying to get to all these appointments, but I only have until February 2009 on Medicare, until I have to requalify again, and if he continues to do so well, then he might not qualify, so we have to take advantage of it all right now.
So, onward we go, and we are so grateful for the opportunity. God is so Good!! Thanks to all of you who have prayed for a smooth transition. We appreciate it!
Thanks for the updates...we miss seeing these great things for ourselves.
Hi Tucker, I like to play Go Fish too. You are so cute.
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